Student Outcomes

About Student Outcomes

In the heart of Indianapolis, Indy West Christian School is more than just a place of learning; it’s a community of faith and knowledge. Our purpose is clear: “to glorify Christ through faith-inspired learning and leadership.” With this mission as our compass, we provide an educational environment where faith flourishes, learning thrives, and leadership emerges naturally. As we embark on this journey together, we share the expected student outcomes that shape our educational vision, guiding each student towards fulfilling this purpose in their unique way.

Intellectually – Increase in Wisdom

  • Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning.
  • Attain proficiency in core academic disciplines, such as Mathematics, Language Arts, History, Science, and Bible, utilizing critical thinking, technological skills, and public speaking abilities, while integrating biblical truths across all subjects.
  • Possess knowledge and understanding of historical events, including church history, as well as various cultures and religions.
  • Exhibit competence in utilizing resources, including technology, for information retrieval, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
  • Develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and the capacity to make wise decisions.
  • Value intellectual inquiry and actively engage in open, honest exchanges of ideas.
  • Appreciate literature and the arts and comprehend their role in expressing and shaping beliefs and values.

Physically – Increase in Stature

  • Embrace principles of healthy, morally grounded family living.
  • Recognize the dignity of work as an expression of God’s nature.
  • Respect and care for their bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritually – Increase in Favor with God

  • Cultivate a personal, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, including daily prayer and devotional practices.
  • Acknowledge the intrinsic worth of every human being, created in the image of God.
  • Articulate and defend their Christian worldview while demonstrating a basic understanding of opposing worldviews.
  • Actively engage in fulfilling the Great Commission, locally and globally, with cultural sensitivity.
  • Know, understand, and apply God’s Word in daily life.
  • Possess apologetic skills to articulate and defend their faith.
  • Empowerment by the Holy Spirit and pursuit of a life characterized by faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love.

Socially – Increase in Favor with Man

  • Actively participate in a church community, serving God and others.
  • Display a critical appreciation for languages and cultures of diverse people, fostering inter-ethnic harmony and practicing biblical hospitality for strangers.
  • Understand, value, and engage in appropriate social (community) and civic (political) activities.
  • Embrace and practice principles of justice, mercy, and peacemaking within their families and society.
  • Respect and maintain integrity when interacting with others in their work, recreational, and residential environments.
  • Appreciate the natural environment and practice responsible stewardship of God’s creation through thoughtful decision-making.
  • Exercise sound stewardship of their finances, time (including discretionary time), and all other resources.