Fine Arts

Ignite Your Passion for Fine Arts

Our fine arts program at Indy West encourages students to explore their passions, develop their talents, and appreciate the beauty of the arts, all within the context of worship and creative expression. It’s an integral part of our holistic approach to education, fostering well-rounded individuals who can worship and express themselves creatively and confidently through various forms of art.



Our middle school band program provides students with the chance to learn and play musical instruments. It’s a hands-on experience that teaches discipline, cooperation, and the joy of creating music together.


Middle school students at Indy West can join our choir to refine their vocal talents and perform at school events and concerts. Choir not only develops musical skills but also builds community and boosts confidence.


For students beyond fifth grade, our drama program offers the opportunity to explore the world of theater. Through acting, stage design, and production, students develop communication skills and self-confidence.

Visual Arts

we invite all students to explore the world of visual arts. Through drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, and more, they’ll nurture their creative talents while gaining a deeper appreciation for God’s handiwork. Our curriculum also teaches art history and diverse cultures, enriching students’ understanding of the artistic world.

Upcoming Events

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Join us in bringing the magic of the stage to life by becoming a valued theatre sponsor. Your support not only helps us produce outstanding performances but also provides a unique advertising opportunity for your business. As a theatre sponsor, you’ll be featured prominently in our playbills, promotional materials, and on our website, reaching a diverse and engaged audience. Partner with us to support the arts and showcase your brand to our dedicated community of theatre enthusiasts.


Are you a parent who values the arts and wants to actively support your child’s artistic journey at Indy West? We invite you to become a Fine Arts volunteer. Your contribution, whether assisting during performances, aiding with art projects, or lending your creative skills, makes a meaningful impact. Being a part of this team not only enriches your child’s educational experience but also strengthens the sense of community within our school. Ready to get started? Fill out the form and let’s ignite creativity together at Indy West!

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