
Love for God
Love for Learning
Love for Others

The image of new parents holding their precious baby for the first time is a powerful one isn’t it? It’s powerful because in that moment you understand that God has entrusted a little human to YOU to raise, teach, love, and help to realize all of the plans, dreams, and hopes that their Creator has designed for them. That little bundle is not here by accident. YOU are not the ones chosen to be their parents by accident either. Thankfully, the qualifications for parenting do not include perfection (whew!) and amazingly, you never have to walk that path alone! The “linked arm” of a community that comes alongside you to help shepherd the hearts of your most important gifts (your kids), can be invaluable.

It is our joy to partner with families to give their children an amazing “first experience” at school and to continue to help shepherd their little hearts as they learn and grow- spiritually, academically, socially, and emotionally.

By providing a nurturing, Christ-centered environment; creating positive, developmentally appropriate experiences that meet and exceed state standards; encouraging healthy friendships; and fostering meaningful parent involvement, our professional and loving team is excited to “link arms” with you!

Assistant Principal,
Shelley Notter

Preschool Schedule Offerings

Pre-K3 Tues/Thurs Half Day 8:00a-11:30a
Pre-K3 Tues/Thurs Full Day 8:00a-3:00p
Pre-K3 Tues/Thurs + one full day Full Day 8:00a-3:00p
Pre-K3 Tues/Thurs + two full days Full Days 8:00a-3:00p
Pre-K3 Mon-Fri five full days Full Days 8:00a-3:00p
Pre-K4 Mon/Wed/Fri half days Half Day 8:00a-11:30a
Pre-K4 Mon/Wed/Fri full days Full Days 8:00a-3:00p
Pre-K4 Mon/Wed/Fri + one full day Full Day 8:00a-3:00p
Pre-K4 Mon-Fri five full days Full Days 8:00a-3:00p

2024-25 Tuition Rates

2 Days (3s only) $3,750 $3,250
3 Days $5,000 $4,250
4 Days $6,500
5 Days $8,000

The Guiding Principles of our Christian Pre-School Program

Our principles for Private Preschool Education in Avon, IN are founded on what God thinks about children- and He is amazingly clear that He is unconditionally and wholeheartedly in love with them! He created them in His image and has a plan for each of their lives(Psalm 139)! We believe we are most effective when we:

  1. Align ourselves with God’s developmental design by recognizing that young children think, grow and learn in unique ways and plan for age-appropriate strategies and experiences that reach their hearts and minds.
  2. Communicate and collaborate effectively with families as we partner together to shepherd the hearts and minds of students. Parents are a child’s first and best teachers- they are invaluable!
  3. Model God’s unconditional love and grace while upholding biblical Christian values.  If we need grace on a daily basis, why wouldn’t our kids need it too?
  4. Implement developmentally and age-appropriate researched practices based on how young children learn and grow.  Children are not little adults.  They have unique ways to learn and grow as they discover who God is creating them to be!
  5. Teach to the whole child: spiritual, social, emotional, physical, and cognitive.  We are holistic beings created in the image of God and we learn best and are healthiest when our growth is encouraged and fostered in multiple areas.
  6. Provide activities that include both teacher-guided instruction and child-initiated exploration. This includes large group, small group, centers, quiet time, recess, and opportunities for individual and collaborative experiences.
  7. Allow for play as a vital part of the young child’s learning experience as they experience God’s world, express themselves, learn to make friends, regulate behaviors, and foster imagination.

You don’t have to take our word for it. Come see for yourself. We’d love to meet you join us for one of our upcoming Open Houses. Find the details and register here.  We look forward to meeting you soon!

School Calendar