Love for God
Love for Learning
Love for Others
Our elementary school is nestled at the western edge of Wayne Township in Indianapolis and serves diverse students from the Avon, Brownsburg, Plainfield, and Speedway areas. It is the aim of our school to educate and develop the whole child for the glory of God in partnership with parents and the Christian community.
A word from the Assistant Principal,
The image of new parents holding their precious baby for the first time is a powerful one isn’t it? It’s powerful because in that moment you understand that God has entrusted a little human to YOU to raise, teach, love, and help to realize all of the plans, dreams, and hopes that their Creator has designed for them. That little bundle is not here by accident. YOU are not the ones chosen to be their parents by accident either. Thankfully, the qualifications for parenting do not include perfection (whew!) and amazingly, you never have to walk that path alone! The “linked arm” of a community that comes alongside you to help shepherd the hearts of your most important gifts (your kids), can be invaluable.
It is our joy to partner with families to give their children an amazing “first experience” at school and to continue to help shepherd their little hearts as they learn and grow- spiritually, academically, socially, and emotionally.
By providing a nurturing, Christ-centered environment; creating positive, developmentally appropriate experiences that meet and exceed state standards; encouraging healthy friendships; and fostering meaningful parent involvement, our professional and loving team is excited to “link arms” with you!

Shelley Notter
Assistant Principal Elementary School
Kindergarten is designed to make learning enjoyable and lay the groundwork for a fruitful education and future.
- Bible: Deep Roots
- Language Arts: Wilson Phonics, Fountas and Pinnell (Reading), 6+1 Trait Writing
- Math: EnVision Math
- Science: FOSS (Animals Two by Two, Materials and Motion)
Achievements and Activities:
- Learn to read
- Learn to write
- Develop a strong number sense; counting, representing, writing numbers 1-100
- The Kindy 500 Reading Race
- Overview of the Biblical Narrative From Genesis Through Revelation
Other Information:
- Must be 5 years old by August 1
- Half-Day – Monday-Friday 8-11:30 a.m.
- Full-Day – Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Grade 1
First grade builds upon a strong literacy and numeracy foundation, adding new experiences into their daily learning with special science and social studies projects.
- Bible: Deep Roots
- Language Arts: Wilson Phonics, Fountas and Pinnell (Reading), 6+1 Trait Writing
- Math: EnVision Math
- Science: FOSS (Sound and Light, Plants and Animals)
- Social Studies: IN Timelinks
Achievements and Activities:
- Progressing from beginning readers to readers of chapter books
- Mastery of addition and subtraction facts
- Study of the Biblical narrative from Creation through the Promised Land
- Young Author’s Showcase
Grade 2
In second grade, children broaden their reading and math skills, experiment with nature, learn why an understanding of the past is important to our future, and begin incorporating their knowledge and experiences into daily practice.
- Bible: Deep Roots
- Language Arts: Wilson Phonics, Fountas and Pinnell (Reading), 6+1 Trait Writing, Comprehensive Cursive Instruction
- Math: EnVision Math
- Science: FOSS (Solids and Liquids, Insects and Plants)
- Social Studies: IN Timelinks
Achievements and Activities:
- Reading to learn as we transition from learning to read
- Development of addition and subtraction facts beyond beginner levels
- Cursory study through the 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)

Grade 3
Third grade is an age of exploration and discovery, where students cultivate reliable study skills, develop individual accountability, and learn to ask questions that stimulate critical reasoning.
- Bible: Deep Roots
- Language Arts: Open Court Reading, 6+1 Trait Writing, Comprehensive Cursive Instruction
- Math: EnVision Math
- Science: FOSS (Motion and Matter, Water and Climate)
- Social Studies: IN Timelinks
Achievements and Activities:
- Living History Museum
- Mastery of multiplication facts
- Cultivation of strong study skills
- Development of cohesive paragraph writing and cursive legibility
- Study of the Biblical narrative surrounding Israel
Grade 4
Fourth grade students are becoming more independent learners, transitioning from the cultivation of foundational skills to the honing of their analytical and abstract thinking skills.
- Bible: Deep Roots
- Language Arts: Open Court Reading, 6+1 Trait Writing, Comprehensive Cursive Instruction
- Math: EnVision Math
- Science: FOSS (Energy, Soils, Rocks, and Landforms)
- Social Studies: IN Timelinks
Achievements and Activities:
- Continued exploration of concepts such as: division, fractions, decimals, percentages
- Cultivation of strong study and critical thinking skills
- Participation in the creating of a mural in the local community
Intervention Services
Early literacy intervention is a vital component in ensuring the success of students in the classroom. Each fall, our interventionist looks at all the NWEA standardized test scores of our first and second grade students. Based on those scores and additional teacher recommendations, the interventionist meets one on one with each student to gauge his or her literacy level and needs. If a need is present to ensure success in the classroom, the interventionist will place students in leveled groups for student-centered academic intervention. Kindergarteners are recommended for intervention after the first semester. If the interventionist sees a substantial need for remediation, it will begin in January.
Students in third, fourth and fifth grade are included in intervention when the student exemplifies a severe literacy deficit.
The intervention program utilizes several programs to aid in student success. Intervention sessions typically occur three times per week. For those who already have an understanding of letters, blends and how to read, the Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention is used. LLI is a short-term, supplementary intervention system that utilizes leveled books and fast-paced systematically designed lessons to advance students in their reading fluency and comprehension.
For students who do not yet know their letters or struggle to blend sounds together, phonics and decodable readers, IMSE Recipe for Reading, Wilson Fundations and other creative instructional methods are used.
The goal is to get each student to a level in which they can learn in the classroom. Even if a student does not reach grade level that academic year, he or she still may be able to find success in the classroom with the tools gained during intervention.
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