Lend A Hand

Indy West Christian School is actively pursuing ways to increase our financial position. We have a shortfall that we need to make up and we need to do it quickly. We have specific financial needs, but our primary objective for this Lend A Hand initiative is to get every community member involved and engaged in the process.

How to Lend A Hand

1. We are asking parents to set a fundraising goal that represents $529 per student in their household. Our goal is 100% participation.

2. Below, you will find resources with prayer prompts, brainstorm sheets, scripts, and age-appropriate ways to get your student involved.

3. Give here to Lend A Hand:

Hand Tracker

Resource Library

Indy West Christian School
Attn: Brittany White
8610 W 10th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46234

We are excited to see how the Charger Community rallies together to lend a hand and advance our mission!


How did we get here?

The payment structure of Indiana School Choice Scholarships has created cash flow structures as we wait for reimbursements on the education we are providing. The increase in the program this year is amazing for families, but has made the cash flow in between payments more difficult. This is in addition to extra expenses we paid over the summer for our moves, adding staff for separate sites, and inflation in goods needed for education. The Board is working diligently on an accurate budget to rectify this issue in the coming school years.

Are we worried about finishing the school year?

At this time, we are not worried about finishing the school year. The School Board has worked hard to create multiple paths to finishing our year well. A successful Lend a Hand campaign would remove all other contingencies, but there are still more options to be pursued after this campaign.

I have more than 1 student, how do I do all of this at once?

The beauty of this campaign is that you don’t have to find all the money at one time. Our goals are 100% involvement and a commitment to the effort. Move through the family one student at a time and one connection at a time. We will keep working as a system until we achieve our goals.

Is my donation eligible for a tax write off?

Yes! Your donation goes to our school’s General Fund and we are an eligible 501c3 so you can use it as a tax write off.

Can I do a Recurring/Monthly donation to equal $529?

Absolutely! If you set up your donation in January, please set it to $106/month and your donation will be complete in May. If donating in February, please set it to $133/month.

Why did we set the goal at $850,000?

We have been communicating some financial concerns throughout the year, but we did not yet know the full
scope. We knew in December that we needed to start fundraising and made an initial ask. That allowed the School Board time to work with members of the system to really audit the books and come to a number that correctly identifies the total deficit.

What all went into this deficit and is this fixable?

Yes, this is very fixable. There were some significant variables in this process that led to a poor estimation of expenses and income. Moving to 3 campuses and the feasibility study of our proposed new building site cost more than initially proposed in the budget. This took away our cash position that would have helped us manage the ebbs and flows of Choice payments. Meeting our giving campaign goals will help us have a solid financial position moving into the 2024-2025 school year.

Sign up here for updates on our giving campaign! We will plan to send monthly updates.